There are many ways a PT graduate can pass the Philippine PT Licensure Exam in just 1 take. It can be a matter of chance or a matter of choice as they say. Well I for one don't believe in chance or luck. I believe it's a matter of preparation. I graduated last March 2004 and took the board on August on that same year. They say that if you want to be successful, you must follow the footsteps of a successful man for this matter those that passed the Local PT Board Exam and just simply passing it but also top it. I will give some tips on how to do it because for one: I passed it and second: I top it. Not all of my tips may be applicable nor have the same results with some individual and it's ok. There is always a first time for everthing in all aspects and cheer up there is always another exam after 6 months. So for those preparing for the July and February Local Board Exam, God Bless and May the force be with you.
First Tip in Preparing for the Philippine Physical Therapy Licensure Exam
1. It's Imperative that you procure the following Bibles of PT Practice: (Buy or Borrow)
a. Gross Anatomy (preferrably Snell but other anatomy books are still ok)
b. Kinesiology Books (by Brunnstrom and Norkin)
c. Medical Physiology (by Guyton)
d. Neuroanatomy (still by snell)
e. Hoppenfield
f. Therapeutic Exercise (by Kisner and Colby)
g. Molnar Pediatric Assessment
h. Magee
i. Brasher book (some would call it Shands Book still the same book)
j. Sullivan Book
Other References: (Optional)
> Braddom
> De Lisa
> Goldberg " Ridiculuously Made Easy" books ( but only those related to PT practice
> Ortho/Neuro Secrets
Books from a-j are important for you to review for in it are the fundamental practice and scope of Physical Therapy. It is better to go back to basics to cover those areas that you missed during your classroom years and for you to understand better of topics that are vague to you. Once you have those books mentioned above follows the hard part of this first step which is to read this books. You need to assess yourself, if you belong to the smart ones or the having difficulty ones. If you belong to the smart ones then 3-4 months before d board exam is enough but if you belong to the latter then a year would be enough to be sure.
Have you categorize yourself already?Good then let's start reading these books. Before you start reading, you should set a timetable to finish each book. You don't have the luxury of time to read when you want to read them. You have to pressure yourself that you will be able to read a book for a specified time so you can cover more books. The more books you read the more confident you become and Confidence play a role during the board exam. If in case there is a day where in you weren't able to read some pages of a book due to some circumstances that is beyond your control,its ok.dont panic, you can still make it to your schedule as long as you catch the up the lost hours or pages the next day.
You might ask me, what book should I read first? Well the bread and butter of Physical Therapist is the Anatomy so start with gross anatomy, review your muscles (origin and insertion), the action and nerve/blood supply of a muscle etc..But you dont really have to read the whole book but sometimes its nice to review on some organ system (liver, Stomach, Reproductive system). So what chapters to read in gross anatomy?At least you know the planes/Axis, upper and lower extremity, Lungs, Heart, Back and Spine, Head and Neck, Trunk, urinary system. But if you are ahead of schedule then you can read some of those systems not mentioned. Whats the duration for this book? Give it 2 weeks or if your a slow reader i guess 4 weeks but as much as possible try to shorten it. Remember it's just a review and time is against you. Its up to you how you manage your page/day or chapter/day as long as you finish it on the schedule you set.
During this preparation what you need to instill is DISCIPLINE without it you cant finish these books. After reading this book what's next? I'll post next time the book to read after reading Gross Anatomy..Is it Kinesiology or Medical Physiology?that's the question..
You might ask me, what book should I read first? Well the bread and butter of Physical Therapist is the Anatomy so start with gross anatomy, review your muscles (origin and insertion), the action and nerve/blood supply of a muscle etc..But you dont really have to read the whole book but sometimes its nice to review on some organ system (liver, Stomach, Reproductive system). So what chapters to read in gross anatomy?At least you know the planes/Axis, upper and lower extremity, Lungs, Heart, Back and Spine, Head and Neck, Trunk, urinary system. But if you are ahead of schedule then you can read some of those systems not mentioned. Whats the duration for this book? Give it 2 weeks or if your a slow reader i guess 4 weeks but as much as possible try to shorten it. Remember it's just a review and time is against you. Its up to you how you manage your page/day or chapter/day as long as you finish it on the schedule you set.
During this preparation what you need to instill is DISCIPLINE without it you cant finish these books. After reading this book what's next? I'll post next time the book to read after reading Gross Anatomy..Is it Kinesiology or Medical Physiology?that's the question..
this blog is really helpful...thank you, It encourages me....more!
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